Legendary landmarks now being put in place
Dear Alumni,
It’s been a very challenging period for everyone, and we have adapted to the pandemic with online and mixed-mode classes, while addressing all aspects of campus-wide health issues promptly. I would like to thank many, many devoted colleagues who have stepped forward and contributed substantially. We are making preparations for this fall term to be in-person teaching on campus. Needless to say, public health is our number one concern while we reestablish energetic classrooms. Vibrant, inclusive and green, the campus supports HKUST educational goals, a silver lining to a period navigating the troubled waters of COVID-19.
2021 is an important year for us – we are turning 30! We welcome our alumni to celebrate this milestone together, so stay tuned for more news about the range of celebratory programs upcoming.
HKUST’s wonderful body of students never ceases to amaze us all, as seen in this cover story with three alumni who have made waves in the visual arts field. Another story which I found inspiring is that of our student Krishna Jhangiani, who has survived illness, becoming an entrepreneur, and is helping others as an ambassador for those with disabilities. We hope that alumni, as a vital part of HKUST, can continually be engaged the life of our University, and join us in making a difference to our students.
For years the HKUST Convocation has been a key bridge between the University, alumni, and the public. My congratulations go to Stanley Choi, who was re-elected the Convocation Chairman, and the new session of the Standing Committee 2021-2023.
Our alumni will be hugely excited by upcoming developments, including the commencement of the Shaw Auditorium in November, other large capital works on the Clear Water Bay campus including new student hostels, and the opening of HKUST (Guangzhou) in Fall 2022. Read on inside to learn more about the new hub on the Clear Water Bay campus that is building our future.
I am looking forward to welcoming you all back with our continually enhanced infrastructure, ever growing activities and collaboration, and above all, mutual support and innovative atmosphere.
Yours,Wei Shyy